Investment Risk
All investments whether they are in stocks,
commodities, real estate, bonds or certificates
of deposit and money markets carry investment
risk. In the case of an individual stock there
is a risk that the company could experience financial
difficulties in the future that significantly
diminishes its value. Stocks can also experience
losses from a general market decline such as was
experienced in the recent bear market. Commodities
and real estate carry the risk of price declines
whenever supplies exceed demand. They can also
decline in time periods where interest rates are
rising. Bonds carry the risk that the borrower
could default in the payment of interest or principal.
Bonds also carry the risk that the interest rate
being paid is less than newly issued bonds which
could result in a loss should the investor need
to sell the bond in the open market prior to maturity.
Even certificates of deposit or money market funds
carry a degree of investment risk. The interest
earned on these instruments could be insufficient
to keep pace with inflation on an after tax basis.
Readers of Voice of Financial Reason need to
understand that the newsletter and stock recommendations
are designed for investors who are willing to
accept moderate risk with their investment portfolio.
The newsletter and stock recommendations are not
designed for conservative investors who are looking
for guaranteed investment returns. Every reader
of Voice of Financial Reason is responsible to
determine for themselves the appropriateness of
the advice offered as it relates to their tolerance
for risk. As the publisher of Voice of Financial
Reason, Hodge Financial Services, LLC does not
collect any financial information about our readers
and as such assumes no responsibility to inquire
as to whether the advice we offer is appropriate
to the reader’s individual circumstances.
Hodge Financial Services, LLC will make every
effort to accurately transmit its newsletter and
stock recommendations to its subscribers on a
timely basis. Hodge Financial Services is not
liable for unintentional errors in the transmission
of the newsletter or stock recommendations. Subscribers
are responsible to notify us if they have not
received either the newsletter or stock recommendations
within a reasonable time of the publishing date.