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About Voice of Financial Reason

Voice of Financial Reason is a newsletter and e-mail alert service published by Hodge Financial Services, LLC to serve investors with a moderate risk tolerance through the use of an “Active” asset allocation method utilizing:

· US Mutual Stock & Bond Funds
· Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s)
· International Stock & Bond funds
· Individual Stocks
· Money Market Funds

Our subscription consists of three parts: the monthly Voice of Financial Reason newsletter; monthly Stock Performance Update with stock recommendations; and periodic e-mail alerts.


Our service is designed to be both educational and specific in terms of investment advice. The basic newsletter which is published around the 15th of each month is 4 pages in length and is intended to give our readers a concise overview of the important news that we believe is influencing the stock and bond markets. The monthly newsletter includes reviews of the economy, the stock & bond markets, and our recommended asset allocation. This portion is intended to give you guidance in allocating your investment assets among the various asset classes. Our asset allocation model is based on our analysis of the risk versus potential reward of holding assets in each of the major asset classes. Shifts in our recommended asset allocation are based on our outlook for the next 6 months. The Feature Article section of the newsletter is an in depth discussion of what we believe were the most important news events during the month. Our discussion tries to add a historical perspective to the story and our opinion as to its effect on the stock and bond markets.


Stock Recommendations:

In January of 2002, at the urging of our readers, we added a stock recommendation section to our newsletter. A common complaint readers had with stock brokers is that they were only told when to buy a stock and received no advice as to when the appropriate time was to sell their positions. With all of the changes brought on by the internet and the ease of purchasing stocks online, more and more individual investors are now handling their own portfolios. Our stock picks are solid companies which we feel are currently undervalued and in an industry well positioned for growth in the future. We keep a very limited number of stocks on our recommended list and track these stocks very closely. A stock performance update is sent out at the beginning of each month, which details the current stock price, the price it was recommended at, as well as the target price for the stock.

It is our practice to own all of the stocks we recommend. The positions we take are not large enough to influence the stock price in any way, but our ownership keeps us focused on the portfolio. The advice we offer in our newsletter is unbiased. We receive no commissions from the investments we recommend, we do not sell any products, nor do we collect an asset management fee or sell advertisements. We earn our income solely from subscriptions. Our long term success with this newsletter is aligned with the long term investment success our readers receive from following the advice in our newsletter.


Email Alerts:

In addition to our monthly newsletter and stock performance updates, we also periodically send email alerts to our subscribers to recommend taking action with a particular stock or to advise changes in their asset allocation. We maintain an active email database, enabling us to communicate rapidly with our readers and provide them with useful and timely information.




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